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Capital Gains Tax - So Last Century

The Labour Party’s desperate capital gains tax plan, so far from being bold, will do nothing for the economy or the country. The USA has had a capital gains tax for many decades, but it has not stopped housing bubbles or redistributed the tax burden more fairly. Taxing capital gains is a complicated and costly exercise in futility, a last century concept along with the National Party’s asset sales and other out-dated ideas. What New Zealand needs is a 21st Century tax system that is truly fair and takes advantage of modern technology. There is a growing call for a Financial Transactions Tax (FTT), around the world and here in New Zealand. FTT is a tax with no loopholes, so that those high income earners that currently avoid paying tax will at last contribute to Government revenue. FTT is entirely cost-effective. Banking software already exists to collect withholding tax, so there is no need to re-invent the wheel. An effective FTT rate, one that will both slow rampant speculation and collect sufficient revenue for Government needs, can be so low that even the poorest families will hardly notice it. Faced with FTT, investors will be encouraged to put their money into the real economy for the long term, into businesses that produce actual goods or services. We may see a more stable currency, as FTT shaves the tiny profit margins of the money traders. FTT will start collecting revenue immediately, unlike CGT which will not be realised until well into the future. I see capital gains tax as little more than costly bureaucracy at best and a windfall for tax lawyers. At worst, it will drive even more middle income families out of business and the housing market, leaving the field clear for the biggest players. Capital gains tax may sound good to some on the hustings, but voters should know that it is not as simple as a choice between two evils  capital gains or asset sales. With FTT, we don’t need either one.


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