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Budget 2011 - Tried and Tired

Budget 2011  Tried and Tired Yet another New Zealand Finance Minister, Bill English, has produced a Budget based on the misguided belief that problems can be solved by the same thinking used to create them. What is needed is a new form of economy  monetary reform. Democrats for social credit (DSC) monetary reform will address the deep problems caused by inequality of income, neglect of the environment and the debt slavery that characterises the present unsustainable economic paradigm. Bill English’s budget will have little effect on any of these issues other than making them worse. Core to monetary reform is the New Zealand Monetary Authority (NZMA) that can provide and manage money as a public utility, for the economic, social and environmental benefit of New Zealand and its people. The current inefficient and expensive source of money borrowed from huge banking cartels will be replaced by an extremely efficient source  the NZMA. The burden of compounding debt will be relieved through public ownership and control of the money supply. A DSC economy will be stable, equitable and prosperous, without damaging our environment or exhausting precious finite resources. Monetary reform will deliver the wealth created by people’s work back into the community. New Zealand’s current real economy suffers from a lack of affordable capital. The 2008 recession was merely a symptom of the problem, as any capital available is directed to commercial banks and speculators, while business opportunities are lost, social services are cut, and people lose their jobs and homes. The current tax system is unwieldy and unjust and should be reformed by progressively introducing a Financial Transactions Tax and a Foreign Transactions Surcharge. These will gather revenue more fairly, with the added benefit of repressing damaging speculative financial activity. DSC will support business, promote community, relieve poverty and provide adequate incomes for all residents. We will reduce crime through better living standards, reduce pollution through sustainable innovation, and reduce the gap between rich and poor through enlightened economic policy. A DSC reformed monetary system will recognise what is essential for a society to function successfully, and invest accordingly, in the public utilities of health care, education, energy, public transport, communications, the environment and most importantly, the money supply. Existing assets will not need to be sold off to fund new infrastructure  no more profits need be sent off overseas. Tried and tired Budgets such as Bill English has presented shore up a global financial system that is no longer sustainable. With DSC monetary reform, we can have a country that is financially independent, socially cohesive and environmentally sound.


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